Tuesday, July 22, 2008

My Last and First Review

Hello readers,

This entry was written on Sunday July 20th 2008 @ Pitchfork Music Festival in Chicago IL.  I had spent the 3 day festival alone (on the account that some plans had fallen through and people who were supposed to go forgot to get tickets) and had plenty of time to review bands and the festival in general.  It was my last entry that gave me the idea to start a blog.  I've heard a lot about them through commercials, friends, this kid I used to study business management with, and the Internet.  Actually that kid told me he had a friend who did this and got payed enough money to make rent & beer.  Pretty nice.  It was pretty hot during this time of the day and I was dehydrated enough to lay down and start writing my final thoughts on the weekend...

Some time around 6:00 or 7:00 pm-
This will most likely be my last entry at the fest.  It is starting to get cooler out here as the sun dips below the trees on Ashland Ave.  A large number of people, at least a third of the audience, are sitting or laying down.  We are in the home stretch now.  There's a rock band playing, soundin like Floyd, Who, and someone else.  Perfect for an exhausted crowd.  My cynical remarks this year don't matter much.  When you have a lot of time to yourself it's good to let out the steam, it keeps ya in a good kinda mood.  I've seen alotta bands doing stuff that holds a certain familiarity to it.  That's somewhat upsetting, but maybe it was like that last year too.  Maybe since I was with a friend we didn't (I didn't) pay attention to the music as close.  
The real plus I've gotten out of this is the people watching.  Somewhere on some baseball field stands I sat and just watched the crowd.  All types of people,  all with something in common.  Whether it be the virgin drug use or the strange outfits.  The collectors of buttons or cheap vinyl.   It was all part of a music scene.  All you had to do was buy a ticket and you joined a family.  I haven't said much to anyone, but this is that place where silence is equal in status.  Knowing most of us hold a common appreciation for what is happening here is enough to keep me satisfied.  
I use to worry that large crowds would deplete or starve my individuality, but this truth is better.  Together this crowd completes an individual, with perfect strength and understanding.  Together it doesn't need to be explained.  All you know is that it works.  It works more than it doesn't, and that is my gain from these 3days.  If only the actions could carry outside the fence.  Someday maybe we'll be strong enough to understand the world of our lives is a festival.  

Love is a million people nodding in the same direction.
Peace, War, Rock & Roll.
Anthony J. Wiese IV

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